
Chapter About

Letters Today, Leaders Tomorrow

Learn about our chapter and what makes us unique


Chapter About

Letters Today, Leaders Tomorrow

Learn about our chapter and what makes us unique

The Mu Rho Chapter

The Mu Rho chapter was originally chartered in 1985. The chapter was rechartered in 2010 and has been committed to instilling the values of brotherhood and professionalism in its brothers since then. Alpha Kappa Psi, Mu Rho, is the premier professional fraternity on the University of Texas at Dallas campus. 

Mu Rho has a plethora of accomplished brothers in its portfolio. Our network reaches deep into premier companies such as IBM, AIG, and Deloitte. The success of our brothers is rooted deep in the values of professionalism that are instilled upon them during their membership in the fraternity. Through an extensive number of alumni, corporate visits, dedication to professional skill building, and a strong sense of lifelong learning, our brotherhood does all it can to give its members the competitive edge they need to be successful in business today.

Although Mu Rho is successful in creating strong members of the business world, we don't consider that to be our crowning achievement. Our real value comes from the strong relationships we work to build between the brothers of our fraternity . Meaningful change begins when people decide to work together towards a common goal. All the diverse members of our organization are united to work towards a common goal: the betterment of themselves and the chapter they represent. 

We invite you to reach out to us at any time and look forward to hearing from you soon.


Mu Rho at a Glance

Brother Academic Year

Brother Academic Major


AKPsi General About

Newest class:

Alpha Epsilon Class

“Through this process towards brotherhood, we have grown tremendously - professionally,
socially, and personally. We look forward to giving back to the Mu Rho Chapter in the years ahead as dedicated brothers, leaders, and members of this community.”

- Alpha Epsilons

AKPsi General About

Newest class:

Alpha Epsilon Class

“Through this process towards brotherhood, we have grown tremendously - professionally,
socially, and personally. We look forward to giving back to the Mu Rho Chapter in the years ahead as dedicated brothers, leaders, and members of this community.”

- Alpha Epsilons

A Brief History

Alpha Kappa Psi was conceived during the winter of 1903-1904 at New York University. The founding members Howard M. Jefferson, Frederic R. Leach, Nathan Lane, Jr. and George L. Bergen grew to be close friends while attending night classes, and walked home together each night over the Brooklyn Bridge, becoming the “Brooklyn Four”. They began to reach out to potential class members and as the 1904 term drew to a close, The Brooklyn Four were joined at the Hotel St. Denis by Robert S. Douglas, Irving L. Camp, Daniel V. Duff, Morris S. Rachmil, and Herbert M. Wright with only William O. Tremaine missing from attendance. After school resumed a meeting was held on October 5, 1904 where the decision was made to officially organize the fraternity with Robert Douglas being elected president.

In the spring of 1905, a formal application was made to New York for a charter of incorporation for Alpha Kappa Psi. The application was approved and the charter of incorporation was officially issued in the name of Alpha Kappa Psi on May 20, 1905.

Members of Alpha Kappa Psi have held almost every major political position in the United States, including the presidency and vice-presidency. There are 245 active college chapters, 66 active alumni chapters, and over 200,000 members.